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Display: Smile! For 101 years of cameras

Smile! for 101 years of camerasA new exhibit for camera buffs and local photographers is up at the Municipal building.
Twenty-five cameras from the Lake Country Museum collection are on exhibit at the District of Lake Country offices. The cameras date from 1897 to 1998 – 101 years. The oldest camera is an R & J Beck Frena No. 00 and although it measures 9 ½” x 5” x 3 ½”, it was considered compact and ideal for travelers in its day. There are four Kodak folding cameras: a 1909 Pocket Automatic, a 1921 Autographic, a 1932 Six-20, and a 1946 Retina II. The display also features box, flash, instamatic, and SLR cameras. One shelf is dedicated to Polaroid cameras, from the 1965 Swinger to the 1997 One Step Express.